Holidays are becoming so much more fun now that the kids are getting into them! Our Easter was a blast, and they all got spoiled of course. Even Saydee got in on the Easter Egg action! They did 2 Easter Egg hunts and got candy, money, candy, little toys, and candy! We gave the kids this inflatable ball that is so big they climb inside it! They are like little hamsters running around the house in a ball. They LOVE it! Saydee is 9 months! She has mastered the crawling and is now starting to walk with lots of help! Saydee has such a fun personality!! She is ALWAYS happy! Such a cute little angel.
While waiting and waiting for sunny days and water play- this is what we have been doing this fine Spring!
Mini vacation to Provo
Brandon enjoying his job!
Saydee is crawling!!
2 black eyes (Canon and Mylee)
Stitches (Mylee)
Saydee is standing up and getting those jelly legs ready for walking!
Playing at the park whenever possible
Celebrating lots of birthdays (Canon's favorite thing)
Enjoying life every day
Life is amazing for us right now. The kids are happy and healthy! Brandon actually likes his job- which helps everyone to be happy. We are extremely blessed! Brandon is finishing his second to last semester- only one more to go! (At least in this program... onto the next one in Aug.) Anyways, Canon is requesting my attention at the moment so I will post pictures next time I have a second!